Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lizzie's Entry for April 2012

((4 exp, because I'm not really late, because I switched with End. Also, because of Celebi.))

Hey everyone... and Austin I guess. Finally getting a day to myself. Turns out providing disaster relief to both the living and the dead is pretty much a fulltime job. I'll get to that in a little bit, though. Need to address something important first. Uh, anyone other than Rick can just skip down a little bit.

Rick, I think we both know how close we've been over the years, especially after I died. You've always been there for me when I just wanted to relax, have some fun and not have to deal with the pressures in my life. You were one of the few people in my life who didn't judge me, and I loved you for it. It means a lot to me that you'd ask for permission before leaving me. Could've asked a little sooner, but... that was months ago. I'm over it now. What am I going to say, though? No, you have to be with me? Well, as much as I wish life was that easy, I'm not going to stand between you and happiness. Besides, it sounds like Amelia needs you more than I do right now.

Wow, that whole paragraph was disgustingly sappy. It's true though. Still, ew, glad I don't have anyone to act like that to anymore. I mean, not that I won't find someone eventually, but for now... I think I'll stick with less meaningful relationships. Oh, but I will try to get up to visit you, Ricky, when I get the chance. See if I can figure out that ghost problem for you. Not sure when I'll get that chance, but... I doubt I'll be cleaning up after disasters forever.

I guess I should get on with talking about that, huh. It's been going well enough. With the Union's help, the Dim Suns have been able to move in and take over relief efforts. Despite the damage, things apparently could've been much worse. From what I hear, a group of mages (dunno which one) managed to help contain the waves. Unfortunately, Mr. White thinks that the traces of magic left over are what's causing so much activity, like the increased number of shades hanging around in the Underworld I talked about before. We've had to deal with some of Japan's braver supernatural creatures, but we have the manpower that they don't. From Rick and Darrel's descriptions, I'm most worried about a whole pack of werewolves deciding they want access to whatever's out here. Do werewolves eat magic?

Anyways, I don't want to take up too much of your time with my worries. Despite everything, I think I might be happier than ever. There's nothing more fulfilling than helping a ghost pass on. Like, for that one moment, you can feel a bit of what's on the other side. It's not an incentive to die, though, as much as it might seem like it. It's what you get for living. If you aren't satisfied with your life, you'll be stuck here obsessing over it for eternity. As you can imagine, for this reason Undine hates the feeling. Not that she enjoys it any less than I do, but... it reminds her that she'll probably not be able to go there. It's kind of sad, actually. It's only made me more determined to find Ramira after all this is over, though, so she doesn't have to suffer like that.

Oh by the way, Cheiron's been pretty quiet lately. I think we've managed to scare them away for now. Unfortunately, that means that when we went to raid that other facility, it was already cleared out. There's definitely signs that point to them knowing about what caused the tsunami, but nothing we can use yet. The Union's been conducting their own investigation, and I managed to persuade Mr. White to get them to include me should they find anything. Which reminds me... Who the hell are you to tell me what I should do, Austin? I suppose next you'll want me back in the kitchen to make you a sandwich. I'm sorry if you don't like me doing my fucking job, but I'm not going to hide out in a library while I know I'm needed here. Besides, now that they've found me again, the Dim Suns will make sure I'm fine. Now that I know why they were protecting me, I'm not in any hurry to get away again. In fact... Nevermind, that's not important right now. The point is, I'm doing what I want, because for once, I'm actually doing something right.

Sorry, my emotions get the better of me sometimes. I feel a lot calmer than I did a month ago, though.

Now, Christian... I know you know more about magic than I do, but... Could you remind me why this vow is worth it again? I'm not gonna make the mistake of telling you it's wrong, but... I can't help worrying about you. I've been making Oferendas in your name, even though people tell me it doesn't work like that. Still, maybe some ghost will recognize it and be helpful to you. It's the only thing I can think of to return the sentiment of the gift you sent me (I don't blame you by the way; I don't think fate works like that). If I discover a better way to send you something, I'll be sure to do so.

I think I'm gonna finish this up. It's a pleasant evening and this is my only real day off for a couple weeks. I want to spend some time to myself on the beach. Not that I'm ever really by myself, but... you know what I mean. It's gonna feel so nice to just relax and enjoy the water on my skin. Can't wait!

Ja Ne! 

-Lizzie T. O'Conner

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