Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rick's Entry for February 2012

(1xp for posting, 1xp for talking about my subplot, 1xp for mentioning some of Chris' and Austin's stuff, 1xp for furthering the main plot a tiny bit.)

Woah... time sure does fly by fast, doesn't it? I was so focused into doing... work... for my new friends that I almost forgot to think about you guys. At least, until I received that message from you, Christian. Then, something clicked in my mind. That person you saw, I had seen her a few times before. Her name is Amelia. She wasn't really a close friend of mine before that day, but I had seen her around. She's a really cute girl, you would love her Christian. She's short, maybe an inch or two shorter than Lizzie, not really really good with heights. Red hair down to the shoulder, innocent face... but that's only a facade, I'm telling you. She has a naughty and tricky side to her, more on that later. Before I received your message, I knew her through the network of known ferals in Toronto. Found her cute and her fox form is really adorable, but nothing more. Then it changed.

Gotta admit here, I may have stalked her a bit. I mean, when someone tells you the cute girl he never met may be important to your life, you gotta try to look more into it, right? Anyyyyyway, a week ago, I saw her leaving a party organized by us with a strange boy. It wasn't a private party, so there was more than just us ferals there, but that boy just felt... off. You know, like when you go walking in the forest and it's all silent suddenly? Yeah, kind of weird. So being a curious kitty, I followed them. What happened next... kind of a blur, really, but...

Turns out the guy was a werewolf and led her to one of their Hollows, where others were waiting. I didn't hear everything, but I think they were pissed because of some ferals stepping on the territory of the wolves in the City and wanted to make an example out of Amelia. I wish I could tell you more, but I barely remember it. I felt so angry, so protective of that girl that I changed into my deadliest shape and faced the wolves. The rest is a blank... all I know is that I've been stuck in this Hospital bed for a week now. Broken ribs, lots of cuts. Official story is that I've been attacked by a wildcat, but I know better. I lost the battle, there's no doubt about that and I've stirred up the tense territory disputes between the ferals, the werewolves and the skin thieves, but I couldn't care less about at the moment.

The girl... I've actually saved her. According to her, she fled during my intervention, then called on the cops. The wolves had injured me a lot by the time the cops arrived and I've been brought here. Since then, Amelia has been visiting me every day. It's... every time I see her, I forget the pain, I forget my situation and I feel so good. Last time I've felt like this, it was... well... yeah, sorry Lizzie. Am I cheating on you? Not sure. I hope you still want to be my friend if this hospital flirt turns out to be anything serious afterward...

Oh... and Darrel, I'm not sure if there's anything you can do, but I think I may be on the wolves' enemy list, or something. If you have any tip to help me survive in a hopefully diplomatic way, it would be great. I don't want to become wolf meat the moment I get out of here.

By the way, sorry Chris. I know I'm supposed to be helping the world, but my live is a bit of a turmoil at the moment. Doesn't mean I got nothing new, though. My recording allowed me to film these ghostly figures on the lake. They appear in the middle of the day, which is really weird since nobody else saw them. They look like ghosts, but shaped like monstrous mermaids. Amelia has been bringing me a few books, since reading and watching TV is pretty much the only things I've been able to do in the hospital. I didn't get a lot so far, but my theory is that those ghosts may be linked to the Underworld, or may be trying to affect the minds of the people who are on boats in the Lakes. I will personally go there as soon as I can. Who know, maybe Amelia will want to go on a 'romantic' cruise date with me.


PS: Your view of the world is interesting, Austin. I'm gonna look into that too.

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