((Yo-yo everybodypeople. I finally got a chance to look at all-y’all’s posts, so I can start on my reply. I dunno how long it will take to write a reply post while in the field... I guess you will all find out. So I enjoyed all your posts, except for my sister’s that I did not get to read. I’ll respond to it next month I guess, sorry! And now, time to write. Fiction time!))
Hi everybody! It’s been ages since I got to use this thing. I spent an awful lot of time thinking about you all, but only until just now did I have even a free second to talk to you. It’s so awesome to have this chance, and so rare. I work very hard as I prepare to take my oath at the end of the month. That’s gonna be a... difficult time. Must not think about it must not think about it must not think about it... Oh look, I’m thinking about it. Fun fact: the fastest anyone ever prepared to take the vow was one year, and they never came back. I have to leave in a /month/, a month! That’s so crazy to me. I often feel crazy for being here, as though I am totally insane for giving up everything and coming out here. I miss my family, I miss you. I miss electronics and making out with all the girls all the time. Don’t judge me I totally did.
Life here is very hard, just like before. Perhaps not as hard as for you Darrel, since I do not have to worry about fighting for my life for the moment. There are spirits here, but spirits work /with/ mages. One of those little perks I guess. What is happening with the Shadow is interesting, Darrel. On the subject of time like Austin was talking about, I hear stories that the deeper you go into Shadow the more time is distorted and closer to the first days of Earth. Maybe you could go to one of these areas and ask a powerful spirit or something to teach you what happened when the earth was made. Ricky: don’t be afraid of the werewolves. Just stay away from their Hallows and they probably won’t even notice you. OH! Those new friends... is one of them a fox? A red fox? I do love me some red heads... has to be a girl though,.. just so we’re clear. And no fuglies.
Keep me updated on how those goals go, both the meeting of new people and the learning about the world. What specifically are you researching? I hope it uses your animal talents somehow... gotta put those to use. I can’t stop thinking of your red-headed fox friend I just made up. Tell her your best friend has rockin’ abs and has discovered the key to supernal enlightenment. He wants her number and his wizardry is the very strongest.
Speaking of wizardry, check out this awesome rote I learned today. I’ll tell you the words... the gestures are below, in my best stick-figures. Good luck.
“Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

Seriously my favorite rote ever, probably better than I have learned before. It’s a prime rote, so sorry Austin for not being time or fate. Extremely useful. It’s supposed to help us learn charity. Charity is the love of the master, and the thing we need above all else. I’m not sure how well it worked... but without it, I would not have lasted this long. You guys have probably learned all sorts of awesome magic... I wish I had. All I’ve learned is dumb rituals and scripture. The scripture isn’t dumb, but it doesn’t help us much right now... And frankly it doesn’t seem to match the world around us. A world created by a loving God made for the glorification of man. That isn’t how this place looks. I guess this is my own version of Austin’s own psychological soul-searching...
I had a vision the other day, that was pretty cool. I haven’t ever had anything so intense before... and before you ask, it came from a spell, nothing supernatural or nothin’. A spell isn’t supernatural, HA! I was alone in the dark, and the cold. There was a mist of darkness, which clouded all my vision and made it impossible to see anything but my own body. I was holding something, clutching something heavy to my chest. I didn’t know what it was, until I saw Ramira. She was whole... but dead too, holding in her hand a little birthday candle, nearly burned down to the skin. She just barely reached me as it started to sputter out, catching the edge of what I was holding. A heavy wooden torch, with cotton on the end soaked in thick oil. It was wet with sea water, which choked and sputtered green flames as the water nearly drowned Rami’s little flame. That was when I saw all of you. Rick had a torch burning already, and so did you Megan. The light they had was faint, but it was enough. The flames were slow in kindling, but when they caught they really caught good, and the heat nearly burned my face. I lifted the torch high above my head, and in its light I saw the huddled, homeless masses. I had been studying lots of scripture, and scripture popped into mind. “Whoso has done it unto the least of these, my beloved brethren, he has done it unto me. I knew my torch was burning down, but I didn’t care. I stepped forward into the dark, and lit the humble candles of everyone I passed. A few carried torches, and those joined behind me, even as I followed in His footsteps, though I could not see him. “I am.” Said God to Moses. I think I saw a vision of the one I am seeking, the Oracle. She gave the last gift, the first gift, and the greatest. Purpose. She lit the first candle of the vigil, whose flame passed down to us. Just so long as we never lose track of our purpose, we can all keep that vigil still. Each to our own way of looking at it. We’re all one big happy family of Earthians.
That’s super important. Think about it... each of us has a calling. Darrel, the spirit world, and werewolves are yours to worry about. Don’t mess up. Rick... that hot redhead fox friend of yours... and the rest of nature. But you’ve got to save the fox for me. Man girls are so awesome. All the girls in here are way too old. Speaking of girls Lizzie, your duty’s one of the most important, and I wish I could help you right now. Helping those who cannot help themselves is way important. Back when I was still super religious, I used to think the Father’s Plan had a way prepared to save the dead. Well if there is a God, I bet he does have a plan to help the helpless, and that plan is you. Funny how someone so small (giggle) was chosen for something so important. I know you will not disappoint. Just remember that the Master loveth those that labor in His vineyard, and he will be beside you all the day long. You are doing sacred work to save souls.
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. The life of a street vagrant worth more than the wealth of the richest king. You all have seen that there are things in the awful World of Darkness we live in that can extinguish men’s souls. Unto these must show no mercy. You don’t need me to tell you this Lizzie, but... save souls. I am sending you something of mine to help you with that. I have asked the Master of Fate here at the Monastery to enchant it so that it finds you. I know you will know it when you see it. It is the light that cannot be hid. It will burn for you and give light to all those dead in its presence so that the scales of death are lifted from their eyes. I wish I had gifts like this to give everyone... but this was given to me, and it is my duty to pass it to someone who can use it. Next time they give me artifacts, I will keep all of you in mind.
Back to what I was saying. Megan, I’m not sure if you are still helping us after the Arctic, but if you are then the far are your responsibility. Now there are two of us whose responsibilities are less clear. Austin and me. Humanity itself perhaps. If Austin awakens too, it’ll be great but also confusing. I guess I don’t know for sure. Maybe it’s our job to find out that, too.
Lizzie, you asked if I got freedom here. Not really, none. Not even in my thoughts. There has been cool stuff, though! Like experiencing shape-changing magic for the first time. Man that was wild. But not my main focus right now. Still, I think I may be forced to learn some as part of the oath, so we’ll see. I do get a little time to relax, like right now. I mostly spend it weaving tass: solidified mana... into different things. It’s fun I guess, but not nearly as fun as spending time with you. Remember that time one Halloween we went camping in my backyard and we stayed up all night telling stories? I miss telling stories. And roleplaying. I am sorry to hear things are restricted with you too Lizzie, and I wish you luck in your escape.
I was hardly reassured by your stories of what is happening, Austin. I am on Earth... the monastery is in a big American city as it happens, but I swore not to say more. There’s no tech in here... so lame. I’ll be able to use all the tech I want once I get out of here, but it won’t make a difference I don’t think. What I really need is understanding, not news. Unto he that asketh, the Master answereth. My question is this: How do we kill the unknown? Cthulu, Nyarlathotep, and the Mighty whose name should not be spoken. If not kill, then banish. There MUST be a way... if we need to invent one, then so be it. We will. But I am hoping there is some sort of baseline to work with out there. A foundation. But if we need to, we can always build one.
Well all, my time to talk is running short. As our group’s little de-facto leader I repeat the admonition: shine your torches proudly in the dark. Light others, because we need all the help we can get. I will be listening eagerly to hear of your lives. Please tell me how your investigations are going. Starting next month, I will be out in the world under vow. I am afraid, but not so much I am unwilling. Be safe everybody. Don’t die, and look out for each other any way we can. If you discover something new and dangerous, share it! Farewell to you all.
((So there’s my post! Hope it was okay. Oh, and nobody forget your exp totals on the posts you make. Mine was 4exp again. Please include it at the start of your post if you can. This RP idea seems to be working great, and I am eager for next month and my next chance to post. Also for the game Ricky, please get on that.))
Hi everybody! It’s been ages since I got to use this thing. I spent an awful lot of time thinking about you all, but only until just now did I have even a free second to talk to you. It’s so awesome to have this chance, and so rare. I work very hard as I prepare to take my oath at the end of the month. That’s gonna be a... difficult time. Must not think about it must not think about it must not think about it... Oh look, I’m thinking about it. Fun fact: the fastest anyone ever prepared to take the vow was one year, and they never came back. I have to leave in a /month/, a month! That’s so crazy to me. I often feel crazy for being here, as though I am totally insane for giving up everything and coming out here. I miss my family, I miss you. I miss electronics and making out with all the girls all the time. Don’t judge me I totally did.
Life here is very hard, just like before. Perhaps not as hard as for you Darrel, since I do not have to worry about fighting for my life for the moment. There are spirits here, but spirits work /with/ mages. One of those little perks I guess. What is happening with the Shadow is interesting, Darrel. On the subject of time like Austin was talking about, I hear stories that the deeper you go into Shadow the more time is distorted and closer to the first days of Earth. Maybe you could go to one of these areas and ask a powerful spirit or something to teach you what happened when the earth was made. Ricky: don’t be afraid of the werewolves. Just stay away from their Hallows and they probably won’t even notice you. OH! Those new friends... is one of them a fox? A red fox? I do love me some red heads... has to be a girl though,.. just so we’re clear. And no fuglies.
Keep me updated on how those goals go, both the meeting of new people and the learning about the world. What specifically are you researching? I hope it uses your animal talents somehow... gotta put those to use. I can’t stop thinking of your red-headed fox friend I just made up. Tell her your best friend has rockin’ abs and has discovered the key to supernal enlightenment. He wants her number and his wizardry is the very strongest.
Speaking of wizardry, check out this awesome rote I learned today. I’ll tell you the words... the gestures are below, in my best stick-figures. Good luck.
“Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”
Seriously my favorite rote ever, probably better than I have learned before. It’s a prime rote, so sorry Austin for not being time or fate. Extremely useful. It’s supposed to help us learn charity. Charity is the love of the master, and the thing we need above all else. I’m not sure how well it worked... but without it, I would not have lasted this long. You guys have probably learned all sorts of awesome magic... I wish I had. All I’ve learned is dumb rituals and scripture. The scripture isn’t dumb, but it doesn’t help us much right now... And frankly it doesn’t seem to match the world around us. A world created by a loving God made for the glorification of man. That isn’t how this place looks. I guess this is my own version of Austin’s own psychological soul-searching...
I had a vision the other day, that was pretty cool. I haven’t ever had anything so intense before... and before you ask, it came from a spell, nothing supernatural or nothin’. A spell isn’t supernatural, HA! I was alone in the dark, and the cold. There was a mist of darkness, which clouded all my vision and made it impossible to see anything but my own body. I was holding something, clutching something heavy to my chest. I didn’t know what it was, until I saw Ramira. She was whole... but dead too, holding in her hand a little birthday candle, nearly burned down to the skin. She just barely reached me as it started to sputter out, catching the edge of what I was holding. A heavy wooden torch, with cotton on the end soaked in thick oil. It was wet with sea water, which choked and sputtered green flames as the water nearly drowned Rami’s little flame. That was when I saw all of you. Rick had a torch burning already, and so did you Megan. The light they had was faint, but it was enough. The flames were slow in kindling, but when they caught they really caught good, and the heat nearly burned my face. I lifted the torch high above my head, and in its light I saw the huddled, homeless masses. I had been studying lots of scripture, and scripture popped into mind. “Whoso has done it unto the least of these, my beloved brethren, he has done it unto me. I knew my torch was burning down, but I didn’t care. I stepped forward into the dark, and lit the humble candles of everyone I passed. A few carried torches, and those joined behind me, even as I followed in His footsteps, though I could not see him. “I am.” Said God to Moses. I think I saw a vision of the one I am seeking, the Oracle. She gave the last gift, the first gift, and the greatest. Purpose. She lit the first candle of the vigil, whose flame passed down to us. Just so long as we never lose track of our purpose, we can all keep that vigil still. Each to our own way of looking at it. We’re all one big happy family of Earthians.
That’s super important. Think about it... each of us has a calling. Darrel, the spirit world, and werewolves are yours to worry about. Don’t mess up. Rick... that hot redhead fox friend of yours... and the rest of nature. But you’ve got to save the fox for me. Man girls are so awesome. All the girls in here are way too old. Speaking of girls Lizzie, your duty’s one of the most important, and I wish I could help you right now. Helping those who cannot help themselves is way important. Back when I was still super religious, I used to think the Father’s Plan had a way prepared to save the dead. Well if there is a God, I bet he does have a plan to help the helpless, and that plan is you. Funny how someone so small (giggle) was chosen for something so important. I know you will not disappoint. Just remember that the Master loveth those that labor in His vineyard, and he will be beside you all the day long. You are doing sacred work to save souls.
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. The life of a street vagrant worth more than the wealth of the richest king. You all have seen that there are things in the awful World of Darkness we live in that can extinguish men’s souls. Unto these must show no mercy. You don’t need me to tell you this Lizzie, but... save souls. I am sending you something of mine to help you with that. I have asked the Master of Fate here at the Monastery to enchant it so that it finds you. I know you will know it when you see it. It is the light that cannot be hid. It will burn for you and give light to all those dead in its presence so that the scales of death are lifted from their eyes. I wish I had gifts like this to give everyone... but this was given to me, and it is my duty to pass it to someone who can use it. Next time they give me artifacts, I will keep all of you in mind.
Back to what I was saying. Megan, I’m not sure if you are still helping us after the Arctic, but if you are then the far are your responsibility. Now there are two of us whose responsibilities are less clear. Austin and me. Humanity itself perhaps. If Austin awakens too, it’ll be great but also confusing. I guess I don’t know for sure. Maybe it’s our job to find out that, too.
Lizzie, you asked if I got freedom here. Not really, none. Not even in my thoughts. There has been cool stuff, though! Like experiencing shape-changing magic for the first time. Man that was wild. But not my main focus right now. Still, I think I may be forced to learn some as part of the oath, so we’ll see. I do get a little time to relax, like right now. I mostly spend it weaving tass: solidified mana... into different things. It’s fun I guess, but not nearly as fun as spending time with you. Remember that time one Halloween we went camping in my backyard and we stayed up all night telling stories? I miss telling stories. And roleplaying. I am sorry to hear things are restricted with you too Lizzie, and I wish you luck in your escape.
I was hardly reassured by your stories of what is happening, Austin. I am on Earth... the monastery is in a big American city as it happens, but I swore not to say more. There’s no tech in here... so lame. I’ll be able to use all the tech I want once I get out of here, but it won’t make a difference I don’t think. What I really need is understanding, not news. Unto he that asketh, the Master answereth. My question is this: How do we kill the unknown? Cthulu, Nyarlathotep, and the Mighty whose name should not be spoken. If not kill, then banish. There MUST be a way... if we need to invent one, then so be it. We will. But I am hoping there is some sort of baseline to work with out there. A foundation. But if we need to, we can always build one.
Well all, my time to talk is running short. As our group’s little de-facto leader I repeat the admonition: shine your torches proudly in the dark. Light others, because we need all the help we can get. I will be listening eagerly to hear of your lives. Please tell me how your investigations are going. Starting next month, I will be out in the world under vow. I am afraid, but not so much I am unwilling. Be safe everybody. Don’t die, and look out for each other any way we can. If you discover something new and dangerous, share it! Farewell to you all.
((So there’s my post! Hope it was okay. Oh, and nobody forget your exp totals on the posts you make. Mine was 4exp again. Please include it at the start of your post if you can. This RP idea seems to be working great, and I am eager for next month and my next chance to post. Also for the game Ricky, please get on that.))
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