Monday, March 19, 2012

Lizzie's Entry for March 2012

((So, 3 points, I think. 1 point off for being late.))

Hey, guys! Er... Sorry for not writing in... what? Two months? Damn, has it really been that long? No wonder I feel so miserable. Japan has not been kind to me. The tsunami, Cheiron... Sometimes I wonder if this world was even fucking worth dying for. Wherever it is I send those ghosts when they pass on, I can't believe it gives a shit about us down here on Earth.

Sorry, sorry. I don't get much sleep anymore and Undine's only gotten louder after what they did to us. After... I never saw her cry before... It doesn't make sense... Geists gave up true emotions. It's all instinct and... or was it Lizzie that was crying? She tried to stay strong, but... Damn, I need to focus. That was weeks ago, it's over. Dammit, I should... start from the beginning.

Alright, so, you all know I was planning a trip a Japan to investigate that tidal wave and get away from my Dim Sun bodyguards. Turns out they were being protective of me for a reason. Shit, does that mean they're doing this sort of crap outside of Japan too? The fucking... Sorry, we're getting ahead of ourselves again. I mean... myself... Anyways, it wasn't too difficult to get out of the country. I just used the same trick we used to get to Antartica. The hard part was just getting into the Underworld. After that, just walking the path was easy.

As I got closer to the exit, I noticed that the shades on the outside were getting more agitated, and more numerous. At that point, I was starting to regret going it alone. Maybe I never should've gone at all... Too bad I never got the chance to learn that time magic, so I'm stuck with the decisions I made. Like leaving Rick alone.

Speaking of which, you can't just leave Amelia, Rick! Do you really want to be that sort of person? It's bad enough you got together with her without telling me, but now you're thinking about leaving her, too? No, you make it work, or by the Pale Horseman, we'll make you regret it. Er... I mean... Forget it, I'm not thinking straight right now.

So, Japan was in pretty bad shape when I got there. The damage was worse than they were reporting on the news. Things were even worse than what happened back home. I've never seen so many ghosts at once. The chaos did make it easy enough to hide from my Krewe, but... It was horrible. I helped as many as I could, I tried, I really did! I even met up with a local Krewe that wasn't associated with the Dim Suns. Language was a bit of a problem, but they knew enough English to help me.

But... the amount of death and destruction wasn't even the worst of it. See, apparently the people who had been killed were becoming Sin-Eaters at an abnormally high ratio. It's like the geists knew this was going to happen. I couldn't get a straight answer from Undine about it. Maybe we didn't actually know... Either way, when the Krewe realized, we started searching these people out, do some recruiting and help them cope with the burdens of becoming a Sin-Eater in a disaster like this.

We weren't the only ones, though. I'm not sure how they even knew. I mean, I know the supernatural isn't a well-kept secret anymore, but... How could they /tell/? They went around collecting Sin-Eaters, and only Sin-Eaters. Not even people they suspected of being one; they knew with every person. Of course, they were friendly enough if you didn't resist. They thought I was just another victim of the tsunami, offered me a hot drink and told me they could make the voices in my head go away. Ha! Like it would be that easy to remove me from my body. Of course, I refused, but that's when they got... insistant... Turns out a pistol isn't much help against automatic weapons.

I didn't know where they were taking me at the time. I don't even remember the trip. All I do remember is waking up in what looked like a hospital room. They had patched me up, at least what was left to patch up. Then some doctor came out and explained how I'd been "possessed" and they were working on a cure. Yeah. Fucking. Right. Their idea of curing me was to steal my blood for the plasm and forcing me to use my caul manifestation for long periods of  time. It got worse, but... I... We don't talk about it. Have you ever heard a geist scream? No? Lucky you. When they weren't using me as a lab rat, I was put into a warehouse with the rest of the Sin-Eaters they had collected. We got tiny cots and basic meals... Some people actually believed the bastards were helping us! It was... It was horrible... I...

So, clearly, I escaped. The Dim Suns found out and raided the facility. Turns out it was some sort of international company called the Cheiron Group. Have any of you heard of it before? They try to prophet off the supernatural. Who knows what they were trying to accomplish with Sin-Eaters. We found some evidence that they were working with someone else, but we're not entirely sure who. My leash with the Dim Suns has gotten a lot shorter, but I managed to convince them to take me when they raid the next facility. I'll let you guys know what I find.

Speaking of finding stuff, I got that momento you sent, Christian. Somehow Cheiron had managed to get their hands on it and were keeping it at the same facility I was at. Guess that fate magic works. Wish I didn't have to get kidnapped and tortured to get it, though. It should come in handy, at least, once I'm allowed out again to help ghosts. Until then, well, at least they're pretty good looking sunglasses.

Anyways, sorry again for not writing, but... as you can see, I didn't exactly get many chances to. I know things haven't exactly been easy for anyone else, either, though, so I'll do my best to keep in touch more often. Until then... stay safe, I guess. The world isn't in very good shape. Damn, and we're the ones people are expecting to fix it, too. Fucking great.

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