(4 points)
I know most of you couldn’t care less but here’s my situation as of now. The connections I’ve tried to establish over the past year are starting to unravel, and forging new ones is proving to be a real uphill battle. At least there isn’t much in the way of actual fighting going on for the moment. Darrel’s people were able to swing northwest and repulse the Turkish invasion much to my relief. I was able to refly the Naxxanar once a few... technical issues had been dealt with, but I’ll get to that in a moment. For now an uneasy mutual defense pact against Turkey has been struck between the Iraqis and the new Islamist government I helped to establish in Syria. That’s about it as far as good news goes.
I know most of you couldn’t care less but here’s my situation as of now. The connections I’ve tried to establish over the past year are starting to unravel, and forging new ones is proving to be a real uphill battle. At least there isn’t much in the way of actual fighting going on for the moment. Darrel’s people were able to swing northwest and repulse the Turkish invasion much to my relief. I was able to refly the Naxxanar once a few... technical issues had been dealt with, but I’ll get to that in a moment. For now an uneasy mutual defense pact against Turkey has been struck between the Iraqis and the new Islamist government I helped to establish in Syria. That’s about it as far as good news goes.
been dreading the day my partners would discover just who else I was in
bed with no homo, and now it’s come at last. The Greeks want to have
nothing to do with either the Muslims or the Jews, and they’re not too
fond of Scientologists either. Michalakos is furious that I’m using his
airplanes to deal with Israel and wants me to send them back along with
the tiny ship he lent us. He accuses me of betraying his trust,
deliberately sabotaging the campaign in turkey, and threatens to
confiscate the vessel and and all cargo once it returns to the
mediterranean. This wouldn’t be a problem if she wasn’t hauling my
entire Arkham library AND the Fist of Zeus, something I pray the crew
doesn’t find out. She’ll need a lot more protection for the final leg of
the trip, but of course the Syrians and Israelis are as mistrustful of
one another as they’ve ever been and they both refuse to work with Sea
institutions themselves are polarized. The government has claimed
they’re more than willing to accept my offer to protect Jerusalem,
particularly after the deadly toppling of what was left of Solomon’s
temple. But the Magi in Israel are as orthodox as the Pharisees
themselves and forbid cooperation with the Exarchs. Out of everyone only
the Scientologists seem to understand the concept of an alliance of
opportunity and just how desperately one is needed. I have to say, I
like ‘em. Chairman Mueller’s people are still wonderful. Polite.
Punctual. Hygienic. Brutally and refreshingly honest. More than I can
say for anyone else I have to put up with.
me they’re perfectly ready to come out as frauds and manipulators; none
of their directing brains ever actually believed in the mythos of
scientology. It was and remains a front for living comfortably at the
expense of stupid, desperately bored and lonely upper-middle-class
people. I can honestly respect an agenda like that. I’d even go so far
as to call it quite ethical, at least under the circumstances. We agree
that fellow Cynics ought to look out for one another. I’ve been calling
in a lot of favors from them recently, and anyone else I can get in
touch with. Let’s wait and see what it’s going to take to rescue us from
THIS limbo.
to the fun bit. Like I said, I’ve been calling in favors from the
Union, one of which was granted to by someone named Amon. Amon
represents the ‘Ascending Ones’, vigilants in Egypt and Saudi-Arabia who
I visited some months ago. Apparently he’s one of Darrel’s close
associates. I didn’t know what to expect from the old man or what to ask
of him, but he offered to show me through his stock of artifacts and
answer any questions. We came upon an ornate iron breastplate frilled
with gold feathers. Amon said it was one of the most ancient and
mysterious relics he possessed and that it was called the Breastplate of
the Alak’r Warrior after the heroic bedouin vigilant whose name was
lost to time. The Warrior supposedly possessed the ability to transform
into a mythical beast and rend his foes, and that power remained in his
breastplate long after death. Harnessing that power was as simple as
putting the armor on and working the slightest amount of will. The piece
would change shape along with its wearer and continue to provide some
protection. Removing it involved simply turning a catch on one of the
asked if it worked, he said it did indeed. Need I say much more? Of
course I asked about side-effects and complications and... apparently
there weren’t ANY. It’s one of the most sophisticated enchantments ever
wrought upon an inanimate object, and I really, really couldn’t bring
myself to the look the poor guy in the face when I asked for it. He
wasn’t expecting that. There was so much else in his collection that
could and would confer weightier powers, but I wasn’t expecting to ever
run across anything remotely like this. Amon was bound to an oath, and
this was a prize too good for me to pass up, even if only for the chance
to finally live out a childhood dream.
that’s what I did, and all seemed well until I embarked with enthusiasm
on that joint venture to smash the Turkish reactionaries. Then
immediately I was contacted by Amon, Darrel and some others who were
afraid I might disrupt the balance of this land whilst they were trying
to form their own consortiums. Amon promised he would take action if I
didn’t withdraw Naxxanar south of the Turkish border, but I didn’t have a
clue what was bothering them, let alone why they thought it was any of
their business. Neither did it seem likely they could inconvenience me
all that much so long as the Lords of the Sky were at my back.
that’s what they did. Even though we all seem to be strangely guarded
against sympathetic magic, somehow Amon was able to get to me via the
same iron vestments he’d reluctantly given up a few weeks earlier. The
curse made it so I couldn’t disengage the armor. Believe it or not I was
actually trapped in the shape of a griffon for several days, which
meant I could no longer pilot the Naxxanar. When a mage tried to
interface with the stellascopic control column he started retching up
blood, and then we all fell right out of the sky.
have been stuck there a lot longer if Darrel hadn’t eventually turned
up. Once it was safe I left for Amon’s Nile estate some two-thousand
miles away, or I dunno it certainly felt like that flying the whole way
by myself. Not that it wasn’t an incredibly mellowing experience.
You’ll recall I wasn’t in the same exultant mood as the month before. I
was ready to discuss terms and forswear myself if necessary. It was
late when I finally arrived, but the porter assured me I was expected
and it would be no trouble to fetch his master. He directed me to wait
in the expansive oasis in the courtyard, home to a menagerie the likes
of which hasn’t been seen in Egypt since the reign of the pharaoh. At
that hour the air was full of the piping of what must have been
thousands of frogs and bloated Nile toads. To think that not much more
than a year ago I wouldn’t have found those cracked chimes the least bit
frightening! It recalled to me many a chilling poetic verse from the
Necronomicon. How does anyone sleep at night in a place like that? Amon
took me inside without a word. Not much needed to be said. I think he
understood better than I how I felt.
yes, he lifted the curse then and there, though he suddenly seemed
quite insistent that I should keep the armor, partly because he had no
intention of having me escorted back to Syria. Evidently the griffon is
an ancient commanding symbol in the Middle-East, demanding the respect
of all who were symbol minded. Once I was human again we stepped outside
thinking to cut across the garden to a far wing. We were both
astonished to be greeted by a sudden, perfect silence. Though perhaps it
was a coincidence after all, at my step the cracked jeering notes of
the frogs and night insects all ceased. But whether this was of any
significance isn’t important compared to what thoughts struck me. I
remembered that dead Cthulhu and his hosts were and are entombed in
R’lyeh for a reason. They lost. It was the people of Leng, our
forefathers, who thwarted their malign desires unto death, even the designs of Elder Gods.
the puffed Shoggoths mourn the loss of our first parents, the Elder
Things. Now they look to us their brethren with a glimmer of hope, and I
know now exactly what I must do. While there is yet time I must return
to Leng and plumb its depth more fully. I know I will be welcomed there.
It never occurred to me that Awakening would be such a long process. I’d thought it ended months ago, but it continues even now.